Network Topology
There are several topology of the network:
Bus Network
Bus Network is one of the network architecture in which each computer connected to each other using the shared connection, here is the design of bus topology:
Bus Network Topology |
Desspite of its advantages such as very low cost because it uses only 1 cable, easy to implement and also easy to identify any problems that occurred this topology is rarely used because it has a lot of weaknesses.
The weakness of this topology include: data transfer speed is very slow so as not suitable for use at the present time, in addition to the data cable that is used is limited to a certain length.
Ring Network
Ring network is a network topology where each node or location connected to two other nodes or two other locations. In a network with a topology like this transfer data happen from one node to other node, for more details, see the picture below:
Ring Network Topology |
The disadvantage of topology ring network is if one node is lost or there are additions or changes of the nodes can cause malfunction of the existing network.
Star Network
Star network topology is one of the most widely used at this time. In the star topology networks, each nodes connected to one central node in which this central node can be either a switch or a computer. See picture below:
Star Network Topology |
In a star topology, transfer data or data movement done through a switch or hub. So switch or hub have functions as a repeater or manages and controls all functions of the network. This type of network have advantage, there are:
1. Nodes isolated from each other.
2. Better performance
3. Easy to develop the network size
Mesh Network
Mesh topology is a network topology where each node is not only used for capturing data, but can also be used as a relay for the data transfer to other nodes. This topology can be designed by using flooding or routing technique, if we using routing technique each data travelling to the destination through the path or hooping via other node that we defined before.
Mesh Network Topology |
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